
The Growing Case for Biofuels

The Growing Case For Biofuels (Part 5 of 5)

So far, we’ve explored a number of benefits and advantages offered by cellulosic biofuels: renewable, sustainable, economically competitive, diverse product platform, fungible and compatible, on demand and storable, energy efficient, clean burning, and localized.  Today, we conclude our series describing why advanced biofuels are even more deserving of respect and enthusiasm today than they were [...]

The Growing Case for Biofuels (Part 3 of 5)

In previous posts in this Genera Energy blog series, we covered some of the more oft-cited benefits of advanced biofuels: they are renewable, sustainable, and economically competitive on a market basis (i.e., without additional subsidies).  Today we dig deeper and consider how advanced biofuels manufacturing is really a diverse product platform that goes way beyond [...]

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