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So far admin has created 122 blog entries.

Genera Energy’s CEO to Speak at ABLC 2015

Kelly Tiller to speak on feedstock integration and supply chain performance at leadership conference for the bioeconomy VONORE, Tenn. March 10, 2015 – Kelly Tiller, Ph.D., president and CEO of Genera Energy Inc., a recognized leader in industrial scale biomass feedstock supply, will attend and present at the Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference (ABLC) 2015, to [...]


Biomass Feedstock Infographic

Genera recently introduced a new infographic featuring a visual overview of different biomass feedstocks and guidelines for choosing the best solution for every biomass project. The infographic highlights key supply chain elements and explores which biomass crops are best suited for an application. While not comprehensive to all feedstocks, the document gives customers, stakeholders, and [...]

Genera Energy Reaches Milestone with Recent Harvest

Biomass feedstock company sets new standard with harvest completion VONORE, Tenn. Mar. 5, 2015 -- Genera Energy Inc., a leading biomass supply company specializing in biomass feedstocks for advanced biobased industries, set new standards for efficiency with its recently completed harvests of miscanthus, switchgrass, and biomass sorghum. With this harvest, Genera continues to optimize its [...]


Mitigating Supply Chain Risk – Part 3

This series of posts focuses on four of the primary areas of risk in any biomass supply chain based on dedicated energy crops and the things that Genera is doing to reduce or remove these risks. Our first two posts focused on land recruitment and risks associated with successfully establishing the energy crops, a factor [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:09+00:00Risk Management|

Mitigating Supply Chain Risk – Part 2

This series of posts focuses on four of the primary areas of risk in any biomass supply chain based on dedicated energy crops and the things that Genera is doing to reduce or remove these risks. Our first post focuses on land recruitment and availability. Today’s post highlights risks associated with successfully establishing the energy [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:10+00:00Risk Management|

Genera CEO Makes Top 125 People in the Advanced Bioeconomy List

Dr. Kelly Tiller ranks on Biofuels Digest’s list of most influential leaders in the industry VONORE, Tenn. Feb. 12, 2015 – Kelly Tiller, Ph.D., president and CEO of Genera Energy Inc., a recognized leader in industrial scale biomass feedstock supply, was named one of Biofuels Digest’s Top 125 people in the Advanced Bioeconomy. The annual [...]


Biomass Transport Optimization

When evaluating the economics of the biomass supply chain and the final dry ton cost of delivered feedstock, transportation costs can make up one of the largest components of the total cost. Careful evaluation and planning is necessary to ensure that this component doesn’t continue to grow beyond what is economically feasible. […]

2015-02-12T10:29:28+00:00Biomass Logistics|

Mitigating Supply Chain Risk – Part 1

Genera Energy is focused on developing sustainable and economical energy crop supply chain systems. Our company sought to innovate the entire biomass supply chain, from agronomic management to improved logistical tools. This core focus is a recognition of the need to reduce supply chain risk, making biomass projects more easily financed and successful. [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:13+00:00Risk Management|
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