

Advanced Biofuels: Drop-in Gasoline and Diesel

Genera Energy is focused on the supply of sustainable and affordable energy crop biomass to anyone advancing forward and beyond limited petroleum resources. Our limited petroleum resources also require significant energy just to transport them long distances from the source to market.  Therefore, we remain focused on the technologies and industry that facilitate the production [...]

The Growing Case for Biofuels (Part 3 of 5)

In previous posts in this Genera Energy blog series, we covered some of the more oft-cited benefits of advanced biofuels: they are renewable, sustainable, and economically competitive on a market basis (i.e., without additional subsidies).  Today we dig deeper and consider how advanced biofuels manufacturing is really a diverse product platform that goes way beyond [...]

Agricultural Chemical Handling and Application Safety – Part 1

At Genera Energy, we are committed to providing a safe work environment for our employees. All employees working in feedstock production will undergo an extensive training program before handling or applying restricted use pesticides. By law, it is only required that the acting supervisor be a certified applicator, however Genera feels that redundancy in pesticide [...]

The Importance of Continuous Yield Monitoring

The final yield tally after dedicated energy crops are harvested gets a majority of the attention when evaluating these crops. Standing next to 12 foot tall grass and realizing big yields once the crops are harvested is always impressive, but Genera Energy appreciates the importance of waist high grass during the spring season as well. [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:19+00:00Feedstock Production|

Lignin’s Squeal Appeal

If you hang out with chemists very often, you’re bound to hear one of their favorite witty wisecracks about lignin at some point: “You can make absolutely anything out of lignin … except money.” This full of potential yet still scorned complex polymer, lignin, is nature’s glue filling up spaces in plant cell walls, helping [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:20+00:00Feedstock Production|
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