At Genera, we are committed to producing our Earthable® domestic ag fiber pulp in a way that is sustainable and helps support American farmers. The importance of domestic ag fiber will continue to grow in 2021 and beyond.  Here is why it matters:

  • Reducing reliance on foreign fiber products. As we have seen, supply chains can experience major disruptions during difficult times and cause manufacturing or supply disruptions for consumers in the US. Products like sustainable fiber, that are completely U.S. grown, harvested and made into a variety of products, eliminate the danger to production that could result from supply interruptions or trade barriers. Domestic production creates more transparency into the supply chain, ensuring the products are safe and high quality.
  • Environmentally friendly packaging is becoming more important to consumers. People are becoming more conscious about how their food and other goods are packaged. Businesses can keep up with expectations by committing to use sustainable packaging manufactured from domestically grown sources.
  • Domestically grown fiber products can help U.S. farmers stay in business. Genera is committed to partnering with farmers to grow crops like switchgrass on land that is unsuitable for their main crops. Switchgrass can be grown on underutilized land that does not currently produce an economic return, giving famers the ability to diversify and at the same time increase their income from sustainable fiber crops.
  • Renewable and biodegradable. Domestic fiber products are completely compostable and biodegradable. They won’t last for hundreds of years like plastic and Styrofoam. The crops used to create domestic agricultural fiber are an annually renewable source of materials.

Genera is proud of its Earthable® sustainable fiber pulp, and we are proud that it is 100% sourced and manufactured in the U.S.A. If you are a farmer and want to learn how you can participate in Genera’s Earthable® program contact us through the application form here.