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So far admin has created 122 blog entries.

Genera Appoints Steve Bishop to Chief Financial Officer

Bishop joins Genera at a momentous time for the Company as it nears completion of the $340 million, 150,000 sq. ft. expansion of its manufacturing operations. Vonore, Tenn., December 17, 2024 — Genera, an American manufacturer of compostable packaging and bioproducts made from grass, today announced the appointment of Steve Bishop to Chief Financial Officer, effective September [...]

2024-12-17T00:27:59+00:00General, Staff|

Biofuels Digest recognizes Genera in list of 50 Hottest Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy for 2020

Genera, an East Tennessee-based company that manufactures domestically sourced and produced ag-based pulp and molded fiber products, has been named to the international 50 Hottest Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy list in Biofuels Digest, the most widely read bioeconomy daily in the world. The annual list is compiled based on votes from a panel [...]


Meet the Team: Sam Jackson

Working as a startup requires a dedicated team that is committed to a central goal. Without our amazing team, we would not be where we are today! We want you to get to know the people that make this company move! Get to Know Sam Jackson! Job Title: Vice President, Business Development How Long Have [...]


Genera in the News: Molded Fiber is Shaping the Future

Genera Inc. COO Keith Brazell was recently published in Reusable Packaging News. Here is an excerpt of his article.  Across all industries, consumers and B2B buyers are paying closer attention to where their products and packaging come from. Movements like Farm to Table and Shop Local have taken hold, but they’re no longer restricted to [...]


Meet the Team: Angela Heaverlo

Working as a startup requires a dedicated team that is committed to a central goal. Without our amazing team, we would not be where we are today! We want you to get to know the people that make this company move! Get to Know Angela Heaverlo! How long have you been with Genera and what [...]


Meet the Team: Julie Anderson

Working as a startup requires a dedicated team that is committed to a central goal. Without our amazing team, we would not be where we are today! We want you to get to know the people that make this company move! Get to Know Julie Anderson! How long have you been with Genera and what [...]

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