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So far admin has created 122 blog entries.

Feedstock Production: Corn Stover

Crop residues, including stems, leaves, and other plant parts left over after grain harvesting, account for a significant source of biomass for bioenergy. Residues from crops like corn, wheat, and sugarcane are all being actively used as biomass sources. With over 90 million acres of corn planted in the US, corn residues or corn stover, [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:26+00:00Feedstock Production, General|

Can Energy Crops Really Change the World? Part 3 of 3

As we conclude this 3-part blog series, we follow up on earlier examinations of projections for continued variability and intensity in weather patterns and how increasing our use of sustainable biomass can shift our long-term trajectory in a positive direction while simultaneously increasing our preparedness and resilience in dealing with shorter-term weather extremes. [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:26+00:00Feedstock Production|

Genera’s Feedstock Model Overview

Accurate cost modeling is no small feat, especially when the system you are trying to model spans a large number of operations and variables that have varying degrees of impact on the ultimate cost of your product. For a burgeoning industry like the biomass-based market we serve, this can be even more challenging because you [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:27+00:00Feedstock Production|
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