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So far admin has created 122 blog entries.

Promoting Workplace Safety

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 2,976,400 recordable, work-related, non-fatal injuries and illnesses in the United States for 2012. Add to that number 4,383 fatal injuries and illnesses that occurred in that same year. As many of these injuries could have been avoided, it’s easy to understand why Genera Energy takes promoting [...]


Key steps to simplify your biomass feedstock sizing and improve quality

When sizing energy crops to be packaged for use as a biomass feedstock for biofuels, bioproducts or biopower, there are several factors throughout the supply chain that should be considered.  While our finished products are tailored to the application of the consumer, these guidelines ensure each production run achieves the desired quality and specification.  It [...]

2014-03-07T15:16:21+00:00Biomass Logistics|

Feedstock Production: Biomass Sorghum

At Genera Energy, we are “feedstock agnostic”, meaning that we work with any feedstock that is the right fit for a given project. Some projects benefit from a diverse portfolio of biomass sources, whereas other operations are uniquely aligned to one particular feedstock. Biomass sorghum is an annual crop that Genera Energy has extensive experience [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:28+00:00Feedstock Production|

Converting or Adding Cellulosic Technologies to Corn Ethanol Plants

It is true that Genera Energy is agnostic about refined products and related technologies and that our biomass supply chain strategy is one that goes to great lengths to meet varying customer needs for any bioproduct, chemical, fuel, power, or otherwise. However, we take great interest in the refined products and technologies and have a [...]

Biomass Project Finance

It is easy to understand the due diligence required to prove a new technology before a commercial scale project can obtain financing. Having a long-term offtake agreement with favorable terms is another box that has to be checked. But many project developers and technology providers in the biofuels, biochemical and bioproducts space underestimate the efforts [...]

Producing Switchgrass for Bioenergy

Genera Energy considers switchgrass to be one of the primary dedicated energy crops for the production of biofuels and biochemicals.  The appeal of this native perennial grass is that it can be densely planted and high yielding while requiring a minimal amount of inputs like fertilizer and weed control once it has been established.  These [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:29+00:00Feedstock Production|

Storage of Feedstocks

When we hear the word agriculture, the first thought that pops into your mind is usually a local farmer. The last thing anyone thinks about is an industrial scale biomass supply chain, feedstock production, or storage. Industrial scale agriculture is much different than a small family farming operation. Specifications on quality control, scheduling, and logistics [...]

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