

Biomass Washing and Screening: Removing Impurities From Feedstocks

Biomass is an environmentally clean alternative for producing fuels, chemicals, and bioproducts. Why then do we hear about cleaning or even washing biomass on occasion? Last week, I helped my wife preserve some of the bounty of our garden by canning bushels of tomatoes. There is nothing like fresh vegetables out of the garden. When I [...]

Round Bales, Square Bales, Field Chop . . . Which is Best?

Tough decisions would be made much simpler if the answers were always black and white. Unfortunately, managing a biomass supply chain does not always afford the luxuries of clear-cut decision making. We often get asked which feedstock delivery package is best; round bales, square bales, or field chopped material. It is not our intention to [...]

Sustainably Produced Biomass

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “sustainable” as an adjective that means a resource is “able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed.” In agricultural and environmental circles, defining what constitutes a sustainable crop or practices is much more difficult to define. To the consumer, the basic tenants of producing agricultural crops that [...]

Water Quality Monitoring for Industrial Operations

As part of its normal operations, Genera Energy, like any other industrial installation, is required to operate under the Tennessee Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities. This permit requires companies to create a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan that identifies potential sources for pollutants and best management practices to help mitigate these risks. [...]

Quality Control and Monitoring Systems

We at Genera Energy understand that biofuels are a renewable energy source that can minimize the United States’ dependency on imported petroleum and improve the domestic economy. Systems for producing, harvesting, collecting, preprocessing, storing, and transporting diverse forms of biomass can operate more efficiently if the biomass they process is uniform and consistent in terms [...]

Is Your Safety Incentive Program Unsafe?

Most companies have a safety incentive program. In theory, it makes sense: reward your employees for staying safe. But what we’ve come to learn is that how you administer your incentive program and the factors you base your results on make all the difference in the world. Even OSHA has weighed in on the subject, [...]


Protecting Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is generally a company’s intangible creations of the mind. It consists of anything from processes, products, trade secrets, customer lists, inventions, names, or creative writings. Intellectual property for many companies may be as much if not more valuable than its physical assets. Because of the very nature of these intangible assets, protection of [...]

Feedstock Production: Biomass Sorghum

At Genera Energy, we are “feedstock agnostic”, meaning that we work with any feedstock that is the right fit for a given project. Some projects benefit from a diverse portfolio of biomass sources, whereas other operations are uniquely aligned to one particular feedstock. Biomass sorghum is an annual crop that Genera Energy has extensive experience [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:28+00:00Feedstock Production|
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