

Emergency Preparedness

No one can predict the date, time or place of an emergency. That makes it critical to plan and prepare for any emergency situation.  Emergencies can be caused by many things, weather, people, machines, different situations or places.  Here at Genera Energy, we strive to ensure that we have the best policies and procedures in [...]


Understanding Storage

Several of our previous blogs have touched on some of the high points of biomass handling and feedstock storage. We have discussed the importance of managing feedstock moisture and keyed into some of the pros and cons of round bales, square bales, and forage harvested material. But having a high level knowledge of biomass inventory [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:16+00:00Inventory Management|

The Growing Case for Biofuels (Part 3 of 5)

In previous posts in this Genera Energy blog series, we covered some of the more oft-cited benefits of advanced biofuels: they are renewable, sustainable, and economically competitive on a market basis (i.e., without additional subsidies).  Today we dig deeper and consider how advanced biofuels manufacturing is really a diverse product platform that goes way beyond [...]

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