

Mitigating Risk in Contracts

Genera Energy Inc. realizes that managing and mitigating risk are key objectives to any contractual relationship.  The parties should try to identify potential risks that are specific to the relationship and negotiate the risk allocation accordingly.  The term “Risk” in this context generally means exposure to potential injury or loss resulting from the performance of [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:16+00:00Risk Management|

The Growing Case For Biofuels (Part 5 of 5)

So far, we’ve explored a number of benefits and advantages offered by cellulosic biofuels: renewable, sustainable, economically competitive, diverse product platform, fungible and compatible, on demand and storable, energy efficient, clean burning, and localized.  Today, we conclude our series describing why advanced biofuels are even more deserving of respect and enthusiasm today than they were [...]

Incentivizing Contractor Performance

 “You never stop learning.”   That motivational quote is typically found in a graduation speech, but there is certainly a good bit of truth in that inspiring platitude. I firmly believe that staying current in any profession requires constant education so I have been attending several of the University of Tennessee’s Global Supply Chain Management courses [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:17+00:00Inventory Management|

Advanced Biofuels: Drop-in Gasoline and Diesel

Genera Energy is focused on the supply of sustainable and affordable energy crop biomass to anyone advancing forward and beyond limited petroleum resources. Our limited petroleum resources also require significant energy just to transport them long distances from the source to market.  Therefore, we remain focused on the technologies and industry that facilitate the production [...]

Genera Energy Develops BIN-SPEC™ To Reduce Biomass Feedstock Variability

Genera Energy recently introduced its newest feedstock management system module, BIN-SPEC™.  A proprietary preprocessing system, BIN-SPEC delivers a consistent biomass product to a customer’s specifications with the least amount of variability and at a lower cost. Along with Genera’s other feedstock management systems, Energy Grange™ and Supply ASSURE™,  BIN-SPEC was developed through years of R&D [...]

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