
Biomass Logistics

Liability Issues in Transporting Biomass

At Genera Energy Inc., transportation of biomass is an important part of the supply chain.  Understanding the various laws that apply to the transportation of biomass can help mitigate risk in many ways.  Disputes may arise over liability in accidents, damage to the material, and injury to property or persons.  Depending on the situations and [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:07+00:00Biomass Logistics|

Biomass Transport Optimization

When evaluating the economics of the biomass supply chain and the final dry ton cost of delivered feedstock, transportation costs can make up one of the largest components of the total cost. Careful evaluation and planning is necessary to ensure that this component doesn’t continue to grow beyond what is economically feasible. […]

2015-02-12T10:29:28+00:00Biomass Logistics|

Considerations for International Contracting

The geographic barriers for business worldwide are no longer a factor with the internet and information technology today.  Genera Energy Inc. realizes the opportunities that foreign markets can bring to bioenergy and the biomass supply industry.  Similar to domestic contracts for the sale of goods or services, international contracts will need to include the essential [...]

2017-01-07T17:22:14+00:00Biomass Logistics, General|

Advanced Biofuels: Drop-in Gasoline and Diesel

Genera Energy is focused on the supply of sustainable and affordable energy crop biomass to anyone advancing forward and beyond limited petroleum resources. Our limited petroleum resources also require significant energy just to transport them long distances from the source to market.  Therefore, we remain focused on the technologies and industry that facilitate the production [...]

Sustainably Produced Biomass

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “sustainable” as an adjective that means a resource is “able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed.” In agricultural and environmental circles, defining what constitutes a sustainable crop or practices is much more difficult to define. To the consumer, the basic tenants of producing agricultural crops that [...]

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