
Feedstock Production


The genus Miscanthus, native to tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate regions of Asia, is comprised of approximately 20 different species and was originally introduced to the United States during the nineteenth century, primarily as an ornamental plant.  As the genus was studied throughout the world, it stood out for its ability to produce large [...]


Growing Switchgrass is a Reliable, Renewable and Sustainable Source of Agricultural Income

While research into the sustainability and income potential of switchgrass started in the mid-1980s, the awareness of this plant as a high-yielding, perennial source of biomass has increased over the decades. Companies that value sustainability have focused on the plant’s resiliency as a renewable, tree-free source of material for producing ag-fiber products. As a [...]

Other Crops

Biomass Sorghum High biomass sorghum is an annual crop that has been derived from grain sorghum to maximize biomass yields. Plants can grow to 15’ in height, and stalk diameter will be comparable to corn. Yields for biomass sorghum will average around 7 dry tons per acre and the crop can be grown [...]


What Makes Switchgrass and Biomass Sorghum Suitable Crops?

When we tell people that our Earthable® sustainable packaging is made from feedstock crops like switchgrass and biomass sorghum, unless they have an ag background, many of them don’t know what we’re talking about. The truth is that these crops are a great solution for making single-use disposable products like packaging and food service items. [...]

Producer and Landowner Information

Are you a landowner looking for an innovative option to simplify leasing your land with a long-term commitment from your tenant?  As a producer, have the recently rocky agriculture markets and fluctuating input prices caused you to think about diversifying your farm income by seeking a steady cashflow for your operation?  At Genera, we [...]

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