3 Things You Can Do to Boost The Rural Economy
Rural communities are beautiful, vibrant places full of rich traditions and friendly people. Here in East Tennessee, even those who may not live on a farm or in a rural area are likely just [...]
What Makes Switchgrass and Biomass Sorghum Suitable Crops?
When we tell people that our Earthable® sustainable packaging is made from feedstock crops like switchgrass and biomass sorghum, unless they have an ag background, many of them don’t know what we’re talking about. The [...]
5 Reasons Why Domestic Fiber Matters
“Why?” It’s the most common word in all the questions we get asked at Genera. Why have we invested time, effort and research into developing our Earthable™ ag fiber pulp and molded fiber products? Why [...]
Genera authors article in The Shelby Report
Genera's own Sam Jackson authored "Recycling Isn’t The Only Answer For Packaging Sustainability" that was recently published in the Shelby Report, a regional grocer and food manufacturing publication. Recycling Isn’t The Only Answer For [...]
Why Local Agriculture Isn’t Just for Food Anymore
It’s amazing to see people from all walks of life throwing their support and buying power behind local agriculture. Movements like “Eat Local” and “Shop Local,” community farmers’ markets, and farm to table restaurants are [...]
Biofuels Digest recognizes Genera in list of 50 Hottest Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy for 2020
Genera, an East Tennessee-based company that manufactures domestically sourced and produced ag-based pulp and molded fiber products, has been named to the international 50 Hottest Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy list in Biofuels Digest, [...]