
farmer recruitment

Growing Switchgrass is a Reliable, Renewable and Sustainable Source of Agricultural Income

While research into the sustainability and income potential of switchgrass started in the mid-1980s, the awareness of this plant as a high-yielding, perennial source of biomass has increased over the decades. Companies that value sustainability have focused on the plant’s resiliency as a renewable, tree-free source of material for producing ag-fiber products. As a [...]

Genera offers partnership opportunities to Tennessee farmers with launch of sustainable ag-based pulp and fiber facility

East Tennessee company invites growers and landowners in the Tennessee River Valley to join its plant-based manufacturing enterprise VONORE, Tenn. – Dec. 17, 2019 – Genera, a Tennessee-based company manufacturing domestically sourced and produced ag-based pulp and molded fiber products, is currently recruiting local and regional agricultural partners to supply the company’s commercial-scale sustainable ag-fiber [...]


Growing Farmers of the Future

How to Support Rising Generations Too many people today think of farming as something their grandparents did but no way to make a living in the modern world. In the U.S., more farmers are retiring than entering the occupation. Farmers over age 65 outnumber the under-35 set by more than six to one, according to [...]

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