

About Heather Ripley

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So far Heather Ripley has created 36 blog entries.

Growing Switchgrass is a Reliable, Renewable and Sustainable Source of Agricultural Income

While research into the sustainability and income potential of switchgrass started in the mid-1980s, the awareness of this plant as a high-yielding, perennial source of biomass has increased over the decades. Companies that value sustainability have focused on the plant’s resiliency as a renewable, tree-free source of material for producing ag-fiber products. As a [...]

To compost or recycle? That is the question

Our country’s increased awareness of how it can be more eco-friendly has resulted in successful recycling programs from the office or home bin all the way onto the ledgers of multi-national corporations, but recycling has significant hidden energy costs and sometimes returns only a small investment. Additionally, with China banning the import of mixed [...]

2021-08-23T14:30:50+00:00Earthable Fiber|

Creating a sustainable packaging supply chain that works for everyone

Sustainability conversations often focus on the products that end up in consumers’ hands. It’s easier to talk about the tangible widget that comes off the production line than the complicated, multi-step process that goes into creating it. For example, here’s a brief description of Genera’s Earthable® line of sustainable packaging products. We take ag-based [...]

How to fix agriculture’s generation gap

According to a 2017 report from the United State Department of Agriculture, nearly two-thirds of American farmers are over the age of 55, with more than 10% of them 75 or older. Those aren’t great demographics for an industry that plays a critical role in feeding the global population and in sustaining our natural [...]


Earthable®: Sustainable fiber products supporting local farmers

As consumer demand for sustainable products skyrockets, many companies that have relied on single-use plastic or polystyrene packaging for decades are exploring new agriculture-based alternatives. The advantages are clear: agriculture fiber sourced from crops like switchgrass is strong, renewable and sustainable, and it won’t create pollution in our oceans and fill our landfills. Most [...]

2021-04-29T13:04:32+00:00Earthable Fiber|

Marking a milestone and moving ahead

2021 has already been an eventful year for Genera. The company’s agriculture fiber manufacturing facility in Vonore, Tennessee — the largest fully integrated ag-fiber facility in the United States — is operational. With the plant online, we’ve launched production and sales of our Earthable® brand of compostable molded fiber foodservice products and ag-based market [...]

2021-03-29T17:36:54+00:00Earthable Fiber|
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